Monday, October 10, 2011

Social Media Expert...Or Not?

Have you ever visited a website that looked somewhat professional? But when you took a good look at it, you noticed it hasn't been updated in weeks, if not months? This is definitely a sign that someone isn't really a social media expert. It is easy to tell once you know the signs. Here are a few clues on how not to be fooled. 

1. There are social media icons in their email signature or website, but when you click on the links they have, they haven't been updated for weeks or months. 
2. They can't give you a straight answer when you ask them if they have actually used the tools they're recommending. 
3. Their idea of social media is promoting a company's service or key message without speaking with the users. 
4. Their program proposals talk about big ideas. BUT they don't mention how they will measure the success. 
5. As soon as something new comes out, they suggest you include it into your program. 
6. When consider using MySpace as a social media channel to consider. 
7. They guarantee immediate results. 
8. On their Twitter or Facebook or any other social media device it says: "Social media expert." 

These different clues may seem very obvious to some, but if you really think about it, it would be easy to get caught up into believing these things. Now that I am aware of what real social media experts do NOT do, I will know when it is a scam. 

1 comment:

  1. It is so important that social media outlets are updated and have accurate information. I know for me personally, it is really frustrating to "like" a page on Facebook or follow an account on Twitter that never updates. It's almost a tease! You associate with those accounts because you think you can get the information you want and need there, so it should be a priority for social media experts in charge of those pages.
